1) i am tired when I come home from work and would rather a-read, b-shower, c-frost cupcakes or d-any and/or all of the above. Blogging just isn't my top priority as it involves sitting in one place and concentrating for an extended period of time. Not my strength....
2) After a rash (ok, a few) good blog ideas my creativity has run dry and I hit what I will call 'blogger's block'. I feel as though nothing is worse than a bad blog, especially when the standards have been set so high... :) hehe...
3) Honestly, not that much exciting stuff has been happening, which is related to reason #1, but I believe deserved it's own number.
Yet I'm blogging now! I had an early/short day at work the other day (6am to 1pm) and was blessed with ample quantities of time to sit outside and enjoy the sunshine and call some friends and family that I have not spoken with in a long while and that left me recharged, refreshed and feeling quite happy. and, shall we say, inspired. I wrote this post about a week ago and am just getting it up. woops. Anyways, being inspired made me think of things that are inspiring to me:
1) Bob Dylan's song "The Hurricane"
This is a sort of long story, but basically I have earned the nickname "hurricane' and this song reminds me of that. and makes me laugh. Plus it's just good.
Sunshine. It's great. it gets cold here, but it's very rarely overcast or gray or rainy at all. very un-oregon. and uber-awesome.
nuff said.
No, this show is not what is inspiring, but MY friends who are inspiring. They are amazing, seriously. and I'm a really lucky person that they all put up with me and answer my phone calls at 11pm and read my blog :) there's nothing like a good 7200 miles of ocean to really make you think about the people who are important in your life!
Also, happy birthday shout out to Barb (mom) who turned the incredible (inspiring) age of 55 today (april 22). Good Lord, i hope I look that good at 55!
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