Rosé Colored Glasses

Rosé Colored Glasses
Citoyen du Monde

Friday, April 16, 2010


So I haven't blogged for a bit and there are a few reasons. They are these:

1) i am tired when I come home from work and would rather a-read, b-shower, c-frost cupcakes or d-any and/or all of the above. Blogging just isn't my top priority as it involves sitting in one place and concentrating for an extended period of time. Not my strength....

2) After a rash (ok, a few) good blog ideas my creativity has run dry and I hit what I will call 'blogger's block'. I feel as though nothing is worse than a bad blog, especially when the standards have been set so high... :) hehe...

3) Honestly, not that much exciting stuff has been happening, which is related to reason #1, but I believe deserved it's own number.

Yet I'm blogging now! I had an early/short day at work the other day (6am to 1pm) and was blessed with ample quantities of time to sit outside and enjoy the sunshine and call some friends and family that I have not spoken with in a long while and that left me recharged, refreshed and feeling quite happy. and, shall we say, inspired. I wrote this post about a week ago and am just getting it up. woops. Anyways, being inspired made me think of things that are inspiring to me:

1) Bob Dylan's song "The Hurricane"

This is a sort of long story, but basically I have earned the nickname "hurricane' and this song reminds me of that. and makes me laugh. Plus it's just good.


Sunshine. It's great. it gets cold here, but it's very rarely overcast or gray or rainy at all. very un-oregon. and uber-awesome.

nuff said.


No, this show is not what is inspiring, but MY friends who are inspiring. They are amazing, seriously. and I'm a really lucky person that they all put up with me and answer my phone calls at 11pm and read my blog :) there's nothing like a good 7200 miles of ocean to really make you think about the people who are important in your life!

Also, happy birthday shout out to Barb (mom) who turned the incredible (inspiring) age of 55 today (april 22). Good Lord, i hope I look that good at 55!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

See You Next Tuesday

OK. So i realize that English is different everywhere you go and there are different words for things and sometimes certain words are more or less common. this is a fact I knew and was prepared for. This does not make me more comfortable with the C-word.

The C-word? yes, the C-word. I will not write it out. I refuse to. I do not like this word. And I have a pretty un-ladylike mouth. My mother will be the first to tell you that. She will also be the first to tell you that I did not get it from her. But that is besides the point. The C- word absolutely disgusts me. it is vile. And Kiwis absolutely love it.

I cannot tell you how often I hear it and I shudder every time. This reaction has resulted not only in it being used more and more often, specifically by my flatmate Rowan and my boss, Jeremy, but also, they are both determined to get me to say it before I leave. As Rowan was explaining to me, there are good C's and bad C's. And being a bad C, as in, "you tell Rowan that he is a dime-store C-word", is bad. But you want to be a good C, as in "there are some good C-words up at Highfield, eh?". I've been told that it's the equivalent of the word 'dick' in the states. maybe so, i will still not say it. The good news though is that it has inspired a blog about the wonderful new words and pronunciations I am learning. Because why call a tank top a tank top when you can call it a singlet?

cilantro: referred to as coriander here. Much to my dismay, this is actually the proper term for this wonderful herb. Which brings me to my next word...

herb: pronounced her-bb. like the name. no silent h. weird.

as a side note, this also makes me this of Jody's mom's friend Herb, who has an awesome, sweet silver camper van that was parked outside of our house during college graduation.

fillet: pronounced fill-it. not fill-eh. I have looked this one up and am at a loss. it's very weird to hear people say things about a "fill-it" of fish. it just does not sound as appetizing.

oregano: by far the most irritating and I don't know why. we say: or-AYY-ga-no. they say: or-ay-GAAA-no. WTF.

punch downs: I'm sorry, this is a wine term, but it needed to be included. we say punch down, because you punch INTO a take with the punch down tool. they PLUNGE a tank. So every morning I go find my plunger and do my plunges. Which makes me feel like a plumber. As opposed to a boxer, or some kind of other ferocious athlete, which i way cooler.

ah, the cooler: which kiwis call a chilly bin. haha, a chilly bin.

truck: Here, we call this a "ute". As in, "Brian put a dent in my ute when he jack-knifed the trailer". cute, eh?

french press: this drives me bananas and would probably bother me even more if they used french presses more often and therefore I was subjected to this term more often. But thank god there is espresso and they have not renamed it and it's actually very good. Plunger Coffee. This is what a french press is. I WISH i were kidding. Again with the f-ing plunger. ya, that's what they call the french press. a plunger. there are french people rolling in their graves every time I write that word. plunger, plunger, plunger.

flat white: so this is actually a new word/thing that I have learned and it's quite neat to learn new coffee things I think. A flat white is a bit like a latte, but not. it's typically a double shot, with milk poured from the bottom of the steaming pitcher into a much smaller cup, typically 5 oz. so kind of between a latte and a cappuccino because it has just a bit of foam. they're quite good and the perfect amount of milk in my opinion. although I am a sucker for the foamy stuff. Ann, this one was for you.

So needless to say, i am learning many things. I've already found myself throwing words like "reckon" into my sentences and saying "how you going" instead of "how are you". I hear it's a slippery slope. Who knows, with enough practice maybe i will come back with a cool accent instead of what has been called, "my silly American accent." Which, when mimicked, sounds North Dakotan. Do I sound like a North Dakotan?

oh, and here is an awesome picture I took of kiwi phrases that is framed on the wall of the Cork and Keg. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Some pictures are worth 1000 words. and some are just worth 100. or 10 or so.

Some pictures of my time here so far...

this is me on the Eastern coast of the Pacific ocean...Manhattan Beach, California, USA.

this is me (ok my feet), less than a week later, on the Western coast of the Pacific ocean... the east coast of NZ in the town of Picton.

my first New Zealand meal. a delicious flat white and a oh-so-needed perrier.

no big deal, just driving the truck through the vineyard and eating sauv blanc grapes out the window

Okiwa Bay, the site of the First Annual Highfield Stone Skipping Competition.... where I received a gold stone in the ladies division.

Javiera and Sofia... my sweet new friends and the daughters of one of the assistant winemakers. Mike's wife/their mom, Claudia, works in the marketing department. She's from Chile and absolutely the sweetest.

The Highfield pre-vintage party. Mick, Claudia and Marietta getting their groove on

my favorite meal... a basket of chips (fries) and a pint of beer at the Cork and Keg. mmmmm.....

One glass of Rose and my lawn chair after a long days' work. I've fallen asleep in that chair before...

and of course, my hot pink lipstick and a shot of tequila. And Bri-dawg, one of our other interns.

lab coats

So although this may be a more boring post, i feel it is necessary. Many people have asked me, "what are you doing over there in New Zealand?". Well, here I will answer that question. I am working in a winery... if you don't already know this about me, you probably don't know me and I am really curious why you are reading this blog. Feel free to leave a comment explaining your internet creeping. Which I am totally ok with considering this is the internet and let's be honest, everyone does it.

That said, I am working in a winery called Highfield Estate (on facebook-- please join their group as A) they desperately need members and B) there is an awesome picture of me in the lab sporting an incredibly old sorority t shirt. I am working in the laboratory (lab for short). They fondly refer to it as the Chemical Room here in New Zealand and although I feel like it makes my job sound much more technical I also am quite intimidated by the idea of working in a chemical room and therefore refuse to call it that. I digress. I work in the lab, which sounds really cool and like I must know a lot of things, specifically about chemistry and stuff (go ahead and laugh if you've ever had a science class with me... oh right, that was high school. Exactly.) So i'm pretty much science incompetent which tells you about the level of 'chemistry' i am dealing with. I process our vineyard samples, which means, I go run around in a vineyard picking strategic grapes off of random bunches of grapes off of strategic sections of the vineyard. they go in a plastic glad bag that i labeled the day before. then I count 100 berries, weigh them, put them back in the bag, and mash them up into grape juice. i'm not kidding. but I actually really like it and it's kind of nice because I work by myself in the mornings and in the cellar in the afternoons. i basically push buttons and measure things (bad smelling chemical things) and do a lot of cleaning. I'm getting much better with the hose. Which reminds me I have this awesome pair of rubber boots, which kiwis call "gum boots" that are white with green bottoms and a steel toe in them! sometimes I kick hard things just because I can. it's great. and in rubber boots! they are about 100 times cooler than my work boots, partly because the winery bought the gum boots and I bought the work boots, which are just heavy duty man shoes. like carpenters wear or something. I am still breaking them in and they are extremely ugly so, as my father will tell you, I have an instant bias against them. I just wish they would have come in brown!

but enough about boring shoes (exciting shoes are so much better). As far as work goes, it's pretty nice to go to work and go for jogs in vineyards picking grapes and get dirty and stick my hands in grape juice and be outside in the sun and get paid for it and them drink a cold beer at the end of the day. I enjoy that. We started 12 hour shifts yesterdat so i rise at the beautiful and heart warming hour of 5 am to arrive and start work at 6 am promptly. I will tell you right now, God did not design me to wake up that early. But i am coping and it's not actually that bad. so far...

if there is anything anyone desperately needs me to blog about, please do let me know. I love hearing from everyone, even if I don't get a chance to write back to you. So keep me informed of the mundane and juicy and wonderful happenings in all of your lives. yes, even you internet creepers.